Walmart Mom of the Year Contest

When Sam Walton established Walmart in 1962, he made sure that every Walmart store reflected commitment and support for the community. Today, Walmart’s Community Outreach Programs underwrite college scholarships, raise money for children’s hospitals, and provide donations and support for charity events and fund raisers. Along with this ongoing commitment to the community, Walmart lives up to their mission statement which is all about helping people save money so they can live better.

The Walmart ‘Mom of the Year’ Contest is yet another example of how Walmart promotes support and commitment to the community. Out of the 16,909 nominations, they will choose eight moms who will each win prize money to be donated to the charity of their choice. The judges will choose the winners based on the positive impact they have on others, and the degree to which they help others. And one of the most incredible parts of this contest is that women are being nominated by family and friends, who are using this opportunity to write beautiful accolades about them.

This is a brilliant contest Walmart – way to go!